
One Lovely Blog Award

Are you having a nice day guys? I am, because I’ve been nominated for another award by the dear and kind María @ Bookgraphy! María has a lovely blog with great content, and it’s no wonder she’s been nominated for this, so go and check out her amazing site. 🙂 I honestly love these award prompts, as they allow us to find out more about each other in a truly fun way! I’m also terrified of it because I’m running out of facts about me. 😂


The Rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
  • Display the banner/sticker/logo on your blog.
  • Share 7 facts or things about yourself.
  • Nominate up to 15 bloggers that you admire and inform the nominees.

The Facts

1.  The first fiction book I’ve read by my own free will (not including the school reading) was The Adventures of Baron Münchausen. It’s a short and terribly funny collection of stories about an adventurous Baron who travels to the Moon, rides flying cannonballs, pulls himself out of a bog by his own hair, etc., and is a pathological liar. 😄 Ever heard of the Münchausen syndrome?

Ⓒ Alfonse Adolf Bichard

2.  My favorite foods are french fries, peanut butter and sweets.

3.  I once had a possible ghost encounter/revenge? There’s this weird ancient grave in my hometown which is shaped like a huge stone coffin standing above the ground. Of course there is a local legend which tells that the man was a vampire, and that he couldn’t be buried below the ground as his coffin would always rise above. So they closed him in the stone coffin to keep him inside.

The weird goth teen I was, I had a photo session with my goth friends in the old graveyard. We took turns and posed laying on that coffin. The camera was mine, so after the session I went home to put it in my room before going out again. I unlocked my room, put the camera on my desk, went out and locked the room again. The camera was gone when I came back home. No one in my family had the key to my room, and no one knew what was on the camera so there was no reason to take it. My room was on the 2nd floor of the building, and the doors to the balcony were closed. No explanation whatsoever, and the camera was never found again. 👻

4.  When I’m hungover and my head hurts I listen to composers like Stravinsky, Dvořák, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, etc. It helps xD

This is a masterpiece, rewind to 31:30 if you don’t trust me.

5.  My favorite season is Autumn, even though we don’t have real Autumn here anymore. I used to love the smell of rain, colorful crunchy leaves, no bugs bothering you, and of course it’s the pumpkin and Halloween season. 😊 Now we mostly have just the rain and thunderstorms.

Dennis Jarvis

6.  I have this weird thing where I associate numbers with colors, and it’s always the same number to color pattern. Like whenever I think of 3, it’s red, 7 is green etc. I just googled it and it’s called synesthesia. Lucky me, adding one more condition to the list. 😄

7.  I’ve watched The Nightmare Before Christmas over 20 times. Over the years it has become a Christmas/Halloween tradition, and I enjoy it each time. I still remember the Christmas morning when I saw that magical scene with a door in a tree for each holiday for the first time, and I still want to know what’s behind the other doors. ❤️‍

Every song in this movie is a masterpiece. Danny Elfman ❤


The Nominees

I nominate: Amalia @ The Opinionated Reader | Aurora @ Aurora Librialis | Frankie @ Freed by Fiction | Gerry @ The Book Nook UK | Grainne @ Darkly Whimsical Reader | Hana @ Lady Bibliotaph | Kara @ Bernard’s Book Blog | Laura @ Always Me | Nicki @ Secret Library Book Blog | Norrie @ Reading Under the Blankie | Paige @ Just one more Pa(i)ge

Of course, if you guys had already done this or simply don’t want to – then no worries! 🙂

28 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. So many cool faacts! That ghost didn’t really want you with those pictures haha. I love The Nightmare Before Christmas!! couldn’t watch it last christmas because I went on a trip buuut this year I’m definitely watching it 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on the award!! That camera story IS CRAZYYYYY!!! I love weird stories like that, how freaky! I totally feel you on the Autumn thing. That’s my favorite season too, but I’m down in Georgia so we don’t really have it either. I mean, we kind of do, but if you blink too fast you’ll miss it. Lol. Mostly it just rains a lot. And The Nightmare Before Christmas is the best holiday movie ever!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! 🙂 I know haha, we even moved houses later and packed everything up – the camera was never found. I honestly wish it was a ghost cause the thought of another human looking at the photos we took…nope! 😀

      Yeah we have spring and autumn just for a couple of days, it just goes from freezing to burning hot lol :/

      Yess, I love it so much, one of my biggest wishes is to hear Danny Elfman perform it live, hope I’ll manage that soon 🙂


  3. I love The Nightmare Before Christmas so much! Definitely one of my favorite holiday movies!! Thank you for nominating me! You’re spoiling me! 💚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aw, thank you for nominating me!!! ❤ I like this award! Very simple 🙂 That's so spooky about your ghostly experience! I went to an old graveyard once with some friends after a night of drinking, and they scared the holy hell out of me by telling spooky ghost stories. I ended up sitting in the car by myself cause I was freaked out, hahaha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha well mine is mostly a mystery, I wasn’t frightened but pissed cause of the camera, but one of the friends from the photoshoot got all freaked out how we never should have done that and that it’s the ghost’s revenge xD Anytime! Can’t wait to see your facts, I’m seriously running out of mine haha 😀 I made the badge, I’ll put it up later, and I’ll send you one with transparent background 🙂


  5. You know, i'm pretty sure i was haunted when i was 16… like i thought i had encountered ghosts multiple times during that summer. Although my friend swears i just imagined it cuz we did weed 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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