
The 20 Questions Book Tag

Another tag yay! I’ve been tagged for this one by the awesome Gerry @ The Book Nook UK, who is the funniest blogger I’ve met, so go and pay her a visit, you will not be disappointed! 🙂 Now on to the questions!


How many books is too many books in a book series?

Well if a series is really good, then there’s no such thing. But I did encounter several examples where a fourth book was added to a trilogy (someone got greedy much?) and it didn’t serve any purpose really. I prefer duologies lately, if the writer does it well.

How do you feel about cliffhangers?

Umm well, cliffhangers are exciting, both in books and TV shows, but instead of keeping the audience hooked by it, they usually achieve the opposite effect – pure rage. I don’t want to wait for a whole year or more to find out what happens next, because I will probably forget a lot of stuff by that point and I’ll cool down, so it isn’t that effective. In the chapter endings, yes, love them. Same at the end of an episode during one season of a TV show. Plus, some cliffhangers never even have a conclusion, do they George RR Martin? Do they??!


Hardback or paperback?

Hardback for special books, by my favorite authors, and not just a regular hardback, but as fancy as it can get. Also hardback is good for ‘fat’ books, it keeps them in one piece. Paperback for everything else, it’s easier to carry around, and even just to hold while reading, in some cases.

Favorite book?

Oh really, well which is your favorite child? I can’t name only one, because I will wrong the others, so here are several very special books to me: The Hobbit, Harry Potter (yes, all of them), at least the Witches series by Terry Pratchett, Collected short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, and the same for H.P. Lovecraft.



Least favorite book?

Luckily, I choose my books wisely, so there are only two, the other one will be mentioned few questions down. The Crow Garden by Alison Littlewood. A horrible book that ate my soul away.

Love triangles, yes or no?

Oh please no. This has become such a cliche. If you’re doing it, then at least do it right, otherwise you’re just one in a sea of a million writers who’ve done the same mistake.

The most recent book you just couldn’t finish?

I think the last book I quit was The Muse by Jessie Burton. I really loved The Miniaturist, so I was expecting something similar, or better, so I was a bit let down, but I’ll consider giving it another chance. It does have a gorgeous cover, after all.


A book you’re currently reading?

I’m currently reading The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton. So far it seems like an enticing mystery, haven’t read one in a while.

Last book you recommended to someone?

Phew, I’m doing that quite a lot lately, since now I actually have people to recommend books to haha. I recommend My Lady Jane to practically everyone, but especially Gerry, I have a feeling she’d appreciate the puns. 🙂

Oldest book you’ve read? (Publication date)

That would be The Odyssey by Homer, because I’m not sure if I’ve ever finished The Epic of Gilgamesh.


Newest book you’ve read? (Publication date)

That’s The Plastic Magician, which came out on May 15th, even though I’d read the arc several months ago. You can read my review through the link.

Favorite author?

Again with the choosing dude… Well I have to say Terry Pratchett, because I love everything he wrote that I’ve read so far.

Buying books or borrowing books?

I love libraries, but I prefer having my own books, free of scribbles, stains and torn pages, and I like to gaze longingly at my shelves.

One of my shelves. Yes, it glows.

A book you dislike that everyone else seems to love?

And here I’ll mention the second book I hate. Caraval by Stephanie Garber. The pretty cover tricked me. And the untrue comparison to The Night Circus.

Bookmarks or dog-ears?

I have 30~ bookmarks which are much easier to use than to deface a book. I have some cool magnetic bookmarks too, and some with tassels hehee. 🙂

A book you can always reread?

I can always read both The Hobbit and the Harry Potter series, because they’re awesome; these are comfort reads for me; they take me on a nostalgic train ride; did I mention they’re awesome? I can hug these books to death.


Can you read while hearing music?

Yes but only instrumental and atmospheric music. Luckily, some of my favorite bands fall into those ‘genres’. I once tried listening a gloomy instrumental music video on You Tube while reading a horror book. Do.not.try.that.

One POV or multiple POV’s? (POV’s = Point of views)

Ehh I love both, if it’s done well. Like Gerry mentioned, George RR Martin does that very well will quite a lot of characters, but one POV books feel more personal to me.

Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?

I used to have the ability to read in one sitting, but nowadays I just can’t focus or find enough free time. The last one I managed was Slade House by David Mitchell last year, and it’s quite a short one, plus I was sick, lying in my bed the whole day.


A book you’ve read because of the cover?

Huh, many! I’m a graphic designer and illustrator and I just can’t resist a gorgeous cover. The last one was The Price Guide to the Occult. It didn’t disappoint. Review in the link.


This time I tag anyone who wants to do this! 🙂

P.S. A reminder to enter my very first giveaway which you can find in this post! 😉 For those of you entering a giveaway for the first time: if you are following me both on WordPress and on Twitter, you can submit both entries, that way you have higher chances of winning. What I mean in my terms and conditions by only one entry allowed, is that you can’t enter the contest with two different blogs or two different twitter accounts at the same time, because that would be unfair to others. 🙂 Good luck everyone! ❤

17 thoughts on “The 20 Questions Book Tag

  1. Love your answers! And yes… I agree that some series end up with additional books in it because a publisher somewhere got a bit too greedy…

    I adored The Miniaturist and actually read the entire thing in one sitting and that’s not easy to do as it’s not a slim line book!(I cooked one handed, fed my cat one handed…) but I’ve heard mixed to disappointed comments about The Muse.

    I was in Waterstones the other day hoarding books again and I reached for a copy of a book because the cover looked interesting and then I realised it was The Crow Garden and shook my head going ‘nope, Marina said that was NOT a good one’ and I carried on my way. It’s good to be in the know!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Yeah, some series go on way longer than necessary :/

      Me too, I loved it! That’s why I expected more in The Muse, but I’ll give it another chance some day eh. :/

      Ahahaha oh no 😀 Well I’m usually the one who says “different people have different tastes” but that one is just horrible, avoid itttt. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your answers! Cliffhangers at the end of a season or book are the absolute worst, but at the end of a chapter? Yes, please! They make me feel like a cartoon mouse following a trail of cheese 😂 I loved both Caraval and The Night Circus – but comparing them makes no sense. They have nothing in common, so it’s just misleading and honestly kind of lazy. No wonder so many people were let down by it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know haha, exactly! 😀 I know, I had the same experience with other books, because of an unfair comparison. I just didn’t click with Caraval, but The Night Circus is one of my favorite books. 🙂


  3. It’s cool that you like paperbacks too! A bunch of people that I’ve talked to have said that they much prefer hardback books, but I just love the feel of a floppy paperback Unless its a huge book because I don’t like when the spine cracks 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  4. First, what a cool bookshelf! Now, it’s been some time, but the one (and only) thing I remember liking about Caraval was the world. The rest is kind of a blur, probably because of the needless monologue. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

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