
90s Movie Book Tag

I was tagged for this cool tag by the amazing María @ Bookgraphy, who is an awesome blogger and friend, and you should go and check out her blog now, I promise you’ll love it! 🙂 I’m a 90s child so of course I loved the period, but also hated it haha, so I’m very pleased to do this tag! 🙂

Imma survivor!

She’s All That


Name a book couple that is an odd pairing but they still fit perfectly.

The first one that comes to mind is Lady Jane and G, from My Lady Jane (I still can’t get over how good that book was!). First they are thrown into an unwilling marriage, then they figure out straight away that they are complete opposites, and as the plot advances, it becomes even more impossible for them to be together, but they are so perfect and I love them so much.

10 Things I hate About You


A book/series that you have a love hate relationship with

Hmmm none? Let’s use Outlander (again) here, which I don’t really hate, I adore the series, but the length of the novels prevents me from starting the next one for a long time, and sometimes makes me quit at some point to take a break.




A character that is totally clueless but you love them anyway.

Well, I’d say Neville Longbottom straight away, but as María already used him, I’d say Luna Lovegood. The thing with her is that she’s not as clueless as she appears, and I just love how she proves that and delivers her Ravenclaw wit at the most perfect of moments.




Name a book that made you cry

For the record, Titanic didn’t make me cry. Well maybe a bit, in frustration, because we all KNOW both of them could have fit on that damned door. Now as for a book, there are several. Harry Potter always makes me cry, but I’ll go with A Monster Calls (again). Patrick Ness is the king of throwing devastation in your face with sheer elegance.


American Pie


A book that makes you laugh

Any Terry Pratchett haha? Of course, some of his Discworld books are ‘weaker’ than the others, so there were only several that made me crack at every single sentence. Like the witches series, especially Witches Abroad. Bananana cocktails; Casanunda, the world’s second greatest lover; Greebo, the horniest tomcat ever; various fairy tale parodies; vampires; evil godmothers; voodoo; EVERYTHING. ❤

Can’t Hardly Wait


A book with a crazy party

I don’t think I’ve ever read a book containing a party hmmm. Unless you count the dwarves’ gathering in Bilbo’s house at the start of The Hobbit. Super delicious food and ale – check, epic quest songs – check, poor host trying to please everyone – check, a wizard making magical smoke from his pipe – check. Quite a party if you ask me. 🙂


Cruel Intentions


Name a character you can never fully trust

Lord Varys from A Song of Ice and Fire. What the hell are those guy’s plans and why does he do the things he does, will we ever know? Of course, the TV series diverged from the books a long time ago, so those who haven’t read the books missed the glorious stunt Varys pulled in A Dance with Dragons. I was flabbergasted, especially because it’s the last chapter in the last published book. I need a continuation GRRM!!!


Drive Me Crazy


Name your favorite “boy next door” or “girl next door” couple

Ugh, I don’t really read books containing those specimens haha, sorry.



A book with a memorable villain

Now this is more my kind of thing. I love villains, and I have a bunch of awesome ones, but I’ll go with Dolores Umbridge, the most vile person ever to exist. I’ve met a girl in real life who looks A LOT like the movie version of Umbridge, and I cannot contain an inner cringe every time I see her.


The Craft


Name a book with witches

The first one that comes to mind (among many I’ve read) is The Rules of Magic, by Alice Hoffman, which I totally recommend to María who said in her post that she wants to read more books about witches. It has a bit of romance, and it can be categorized as YA because of the characters, so I think she’d love it! 🙂 I, personally, love all books about witches, give them to me!



So, this was really fun! Hope you enjoyed my answers, and I look forward to reading yours, because this time I’m doing the tagging! 🙂

I tag: Kara, Amalia, Loretta, Lauren, Jenna, Kay, Lacy, and everyone else who wants to do it! Of course, if you’d already done this tag or simply don’t want to – you don’t have to do it! 🙂

43 thoughts on “90s Movie Book Tag

    1. Yay you’re a 90s kid too! 🙂 Consider yourself tagged then, and thanks! 🙂 ❤️‍ I have to admit that 10 Things I Hate About You is one of my favorite/comfort movies, but ever since Heath died I can’t watch it without crying (as if I could before lol) 😢


  1. 90’s BABY!! Thank you for tagging me! What a cute tag – especially since I’ve seen almost all of these films ha-ha! Funny enough, I will definitely have similar answers to you…I was thinking of who I’d pick then I saw you’d pick the same person ha-ha! Hopefully I get to this….soon…ish?? Thanks again! #LoveLunaLovegood ❤

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Ahahaha it’s like Netgalley but it’s more open to international readers. 🙂 It looks awful complicated to use but there’s a lot of good books available to request. 🙂 I’m actually writing a post on both sites soon haha. 😀

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  2. I’m a 90s child too, so this was fun to read! 🙂 Ooh Lady Jane and G are such good ones! Terry Pratchett always makes me laugh and monster calls made me cry too. Umbridge is such a vile villain! hehehe love that hocus pocus gif at the end!

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    1. Haha read ittttt 😀 I know, 41 books is scary but there are 7 sub-series in it, and each single book can be read as a standalone 🙂 I’d recommend trying out the first books in some series you find interesting and then go from there. 🙂 I’m cracking up every time I read his books :’)


  3. OMG YESSSS!! I’m so excited to do this! 90’s babies FTW!! I love that you said Luna for Clueless, that’s such a good one. Luna is the best. And Umbridge is SO EVIL!!! I feel bad for that person who looks like her. I bet she’s confused why everyone hates her all the time. Lol.

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    1. Yaay can’t wait to read your answers! 😀 I know, I love Luna! ❤ Hahaha well I don’t hate her, but I shiver every time I see her haha and I know that’s why. 😀 Luckily, she doesn’t have the same sweetly disguisting voice, if she did that would be really disturbing. 😀

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