
A 100 followers thank-you note

Hello dear friends! I woke up this morning to this little notification:


How did that happen?! I’ve only made this blog 17 days ago and already I have so many of you following, liking and commenting on my posts. ❤ I started blogging for fun, and as a distraction from my real-life problems like anxiety, horrible weather, and being adult with a full-time job and a bunch of responsibilities (don’t you just hate that one?), and I mean to keep my blog this way, as long as I’m able to write. I also don’t own any species of book-reading friends IRL (horrible, I know), so I came here to make new ones! And I already did, you are all so amazing and kind and interesting!

So, since I like it here and I’ve decided to stay, I’ll tell you a bit about myself on this oh so glorious occasion!


Fact 1.


I own a Samoyed pup named Taco. He is both my life and ruin. We coexist in one long and tense stare contest, which he always wins. And don’t you just looove that moment when you hear the chew-chew sound, and you know for a fact there isn’t any food just lying around? And then when you look at your dog, and he starts chewing at light speed before you can run over and open his mouth? Precious ❤


Fact 2.

I am employed as a graphic designer and illustrator for 5 years now, and even though I had to give up my dream of illustrating children’s books in favor of actually being paid, who knows what the future brings?


Fact 3.

© Marko Grk

I live in Novi Sad, Serbia, and even if you’ve never heard about it – I love this city. I would like to live someplace else for a change one day, if they’d let me leave the country for more than 3 months. (heheee, thanks EU <3)


Fact 4.

I once accidentally ate a soap in Budapest – please don’t ask.


Fact 5.

Fantasy is my source of life ever since I was a kid, and I’m a certified nerd for all things Tolkien, Pratchett, Star Wars, Tim Burton, Guillermo del Toro, etc, etc…


Fact 6.

…. which brings me to my love for video games. I may be 27, but I still like to pillage, plunder, loot and brandish my fancy Daedric sword in my favorite games – Elder Scrolls and Diablo. I am also a hoarding expert, and Khajiit has wares if you have coin. I also like quirky indie games like this and this. And occasionally I play HOPA games, because both of my best friends make them for a living. Also board games. Okay, enough.



And there you have it. If there are more unexplained mysteries about me you’d want to solve – feel free to ask! 🙂

P.S. I realize other bloggers usually do a giveaway for this sort of thing, but as I’m traveling soon I don’t have a penny (dinar) to spare, so be on a lookout when (and if) I hit 200 followers.

P.P.S. I also realize there isn’t a picture of me on this blog, and as I am certainly NOT a fox, here is one for your wallet:



52 thoughts on “A 100 followers thank-you note

  1. Congratulatioons on 100 followers!!! I need to say that I love your hair and that I wish mine had that color haha! Taco looks adorable. And I also LOVE everything Guillermo del Toro, that man is a genius. Love your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations! I’ve not been following you for very long at all, but I already love your posts and am looking forward to watching your blog continue to grow and see the awesome content you create! Thanks for letting us get to know you a little better in this post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. oh my gosh your blog is so young but also amazing and one of my favorites, congratulations!!!!!! & i love all your facts, how amazing you live in serbia????? and your BEAUTIFUL HAIR

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha I’m sorry about your son 😀

      Okay, that’s the most embarrassing thing I ever did, but I’m sharing here, so well.. It was a Christmas season and people on the streets were offering samples of everything and the whole city smelled of delicious food. So when I was handed a small red rectangular bar in a napkin, I like any other tourist had my eyes rolling left and right looking at the sights, and I mechanically put it in my mouth and bit on it … Let me tell you, it took days to wash off the horrible, stinging taste, and my friend and the soap people had the time of their lives laughing at me. Ever since I carefully check every single thing I’m handed.

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  4. Omg your hair!!! 😍😍😍 And your cute puppy! And you’re an illustrator and video game lover?? If you ever decide to visit the U.S., you’ve got to come hang out with me!

    And congrats on 100 followers. You deserve 100s and 100s more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, like with Samson, my hair is my strength 😀 Hence the backwards photo. The puppy is cute but also evil, he knows he’s pretty and uses that against me! Yess I’m a nerd 🙂 Haha okay, though I wouldn’t get a visa in 40 years 😀 If you ever decide to visit Serbia, we can hang out with those grandmas, I’ll show you a good time ahaha 😀

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      1. That sounds just like one of my cats. She’s a total butt, but she’s super cute and she knows it. She’s recently discovered that she can jump inside the trash can and pull the trash out 🙄 It’s a deal!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Well people love me Kara!! Kidding 😆 No idea, when I went public I did follow several interesting blogs (like yours) because I was floating in zero space so no one knew about me, also I posted my homepage to several discussions in the group Bloggers unite, on Goodreads 🙂 But now it’s getting out of hand haha, it’s time consuming a bit to answer each comment 😀

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Well you are one of the coolest bloggers I’ve met on here! Hmm I’ll have to check out some Goodreads groups! Haha oh gosh, I can imagine. I can’t even wrap my head around how bloggers who get hundreds of comments handle it!

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Well you too! I’m having a blast with this blogging thing, so much that I’ve forgotten to read my books ahaha, I’ll have to compensate over weekend. 🙂 No idea, but I’m doing this for fun, and to hang out with bookish humans like you, so I hope I’ll stay in the 100~, so it doesn’t become a chore, I do have a job 😄


        4. Haha, same! I’ve told myself to take a break from blogging today (obv responding to comments doesn’t count 😂) to actually give myself time to read. I’m FINALLY gonna finish The Hunger Games today. It’s taken me way too long to get through this one cause I keep getting distracted with blogging 😆 Haha it does seem to be a good number to be in.

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        5. I’m also struggling with 2 books, but more because they’re 3/5 or so. But, I have 4 great books coming from Book Depository and I know I won’t be able to resist 😀 Ooo I want to read Hunger Games too, but I don’t have time obviously 😀

          Also, add me on goodreads woman! You’re already popping out in my notifications for that group you posted to hahahaha


        6. Yay! Which books?? YOU SHOULD, IT WAS SUPER GOOD!!! I just finished it and will be posting my review tomorrow 😀

          Haha, I had actually posted in there a few times when I first started my blog, but I forgot all about it til you mentioned it! And I added you 😀 I never think about adding people on Goodreads, I’m sorry!

          Liked by 1 person

        7. Well Terry Pratchett’s Lords and Ladies (fae vs witches, a slight midsummer night’s dream parody), since I’m planning a reread soon (while I don’t even have time to read new books ahaha); My Lady Jane (Jane Seymor parody/comedy/fantasy which I heard is really good, and there are 2 more books planned with Jane Eyre and Calamity Jane, the series is called The Lady Janies ahaha), Philip Pullman’s His dark materials (high time I read this), and The girl who circumnavigated fairyland in a ship of her own making by Catherynne Valente (which looks very promising).

          Ahh I look forward to your review! I will but I’m drowning in series right now, but as soon as I can 😀

          Omg you are the first who got the answer right which is concerning, considering most my gr friends read fantasy 😀 No need to apologize, I would have added you, but I wanted to see your answer bwahaha!


        8. Nice! I love that you love fairy books so much. I haven’t read many, but I’ll know who to turn to when I want some fairy stuff! 😀

          Haha, fair enough!

          Really?? For shame! I am a LotR FIEND. I love that shit so hard. I used to be able to quote most of Fellowship along with the movie, haha.

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        9. I adore fairies, especially evil ones, my favorites being from lords and ladies and Jonathan Strange and mr Norrell 😀

          Yes, but I did change the question sometimes (to dumbledore vs gandalf-who wins hahaha) and removed it often because people don’t generally like to answer. :/ Me too, I’m planning that reread for years now ahaha, but I read The Hobbit like once a year 🙂 Beren and Luthien is next on my shopping list, can’t wait ♥


        10. I’ve been meaning to read Jonathan Strange forever! I’ve heard it’s really good.

          Aw, I love it when people have questions!

          I’ll eventually have to re-read it as well. I haven’t read it since… middle school? I think?

          Liked by 1 person

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